The true cost of "FREE"
Some people say "if it's free, who cares?" However, today "free" is too high a price for some costs we have in the day and age of DATA. We have found ourselves counting costs in terms of money and time because of how empiric that is and has been... But now we see how everyday the age of information and social media has costs that we are learning to value and truly realize the cost: of privacy and most recently of data, OUR data. Once upon a time, people who did not have credit cards or that covered their computer camera were weird. Then we thought oddly about those who did not have a smartphone, or what about those weirdos that do not have social media. You REALLY don't have facebook? - Is probably a question that you have commonly heard... But most recently people have realized that there is NOTHING that is for free: Credit cards means your purchasing habits and even "weaknesses" are known. Web cameras are completely an open door for a...