
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Netflix Superiority

Here is an entry that came to mind as soon as I was done with watching 2 documentaries on Netflix over the last few days: Fyre Festival and One of Us. I was thinking about how Netflix started as a distribution app, that had your local movie rental business broke due to the ease with which you could just pay once a month to have a large amount of movies available all day every day. And realized how far ahead of everyone else they are nowadays. In a world where their competition is either in-on the streaming service business or have announced to be preparing to get into the business, they have the true upper hand in terms of what matters most in today's streaming world: content. Netflix has found that the "hottest" intellectual properties (IP's) is not what gives you the upper hand; but rather producing and supporting new and innovative properties. The strategy of having access to new IP's had value at some point in the past when they produced Marvel De...