The watch enigma part 1

Ok so it's been a little over 4 months since the 24th of April of this year, when the apple watch was released with pre-orders since the 10th. It took some time to get the watch but it finally has reached me and my apple-addicted life... I believe right about now is a good time to write my thoughts about this moment in Apple's product line-up history.

When the iPod sales began, when the iPhone sales began and when the iPad sales began there was a similar trend: lets take a look at the graphs:

Source: (great article by the way)
New categories or rather apple versions of categories always start out with the population of apple freaks like myself and slowly but surely make their way into the general consumer market, to finally dominate and become the industry leading version. Ok, I admit maybe the iPad wasn't AS BIG as the iPod was and the iPhone is, but it really was and is up there with the best (more on the iPad on a latter post, but basically i believe that the iPad still is the best at its category taking into account that the "competitors" don't know if they are making tablets into computers or computers into tablets or transformers...). Even with the iPad sales, Apple has a market approach of starting off with the skeptics against them and somewhere along the way making them forget they ever said "the iPad was a bigger iPhone, no one will buy it" "the iPod was just another MP3, no one needs it" " the iTunes store would not be a blockbuster store since people had piracy"... and the list goes on...

"things don't have to change the world to be important" - (Steve Jobs)

I have always taken into account the fact that apple does not start off as strong as people expect... but the point is that sooner than later they do explode in sales and the world has seen it before as they will again now. The first models of both the iPhone and iPod truly were not even close to the full potential that these categories were to achieve but that's how Apple works... It probably has sketched somewhere the AppleWatch 3rd gen ready to be made, because thats how they work at a great product: they keep making it better until people focus on something else to buy.

I have had my watch for about 5 days now, have followed up on many critics and supporters about the many advantages and disadvantages the watch has proven to have... and I am 100% sure this is not the apple watch that will redefine the wearable technology industry for everyone's awe. I am convinced however that this is just the start they needed, and even if it isn't the watch that i know will be, I am stoked with how good it is, it feels like an Apple product that enriches your interaction with notifications and MOST DEFINITELY THE TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH TO FITNESS AND HEALTH. I am a happier and healthier Apple freak. All i ask for from Apple for this product is for them to realise that a watch faces store would be as big as the app store was for the iPhone and iPad. be continued...

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