Predictability vs Innovation
Ok so remember when Apple keynotes were all about screaming and shouting? Remember when Steve Jobs said "this is the iPod Nano" and you would hear the awe in the room plus your own? I do (at least in my case i was a part of that awe). I believe this last March 21st keynote was not that type of keynote. It was not the awe of when the iPhone was announced for the first time: "an iPod, a Phone and a breakthrough internet communicator" It was not like the great applause moment when Swift was announced (I am not a developer but i do know enough about app developing to understand the awe in the room). Or like the happiness of when iOS 5 made iOS devices PC free... So many moments when whooping and applause was the common denominator of the crowds at Apple Keynotes and unfortunately people started getting used to the fact that whooping meant innovation and not whooping meant predictability. Last March 21st people started criticizing the fact that the Apple Watch band...