Predictability vs Innovation

Ok so remember when Apple keynotes were all about screaming and shouting? Remember when Steve Jobs said "this is the iPod Nano" and you would hear the awe in the room plus your own? I do (at least in my case i was a part of that awe). I believe this last March 21st keynote was not that type of keynote. It was not the awe of when the iPhone was announced for the first time:
It was not like the great applause moment when Swift was announced (I am not a developer but i do know enough about app developing to understand the awe in the room). Or like the happiness of when iOS 5 made iOS devices PC free... So many moments when whooping and applause was the common denominator of the crowds at Apple Keynotes and unfortunately people started getting used to the fact that whooping meant innovation and not whooping meant predictability.
Last March 21st people started criticizing the fact that the Apple Watch bands, the iPhone SE, the new 9.7 inch iPad Pro and tvOS were "predictable" product presentations. And I wonder, does the fact that leaked information gave away the product section of the keynote make it a predictable one? Even when that same phone can brick many Android phones in both Graphics and CPU performance while easily being up to speed with the latest iPhone 6s and have much better battery life taking into account size difference?
Well... if that were true (which I do not fully agree with), let us take a look at the first 24 minutes of the Keynote as I see them and find that innovation is not a product based action... Because i have not been able to find ONE of those critics of the predictability that gives recognition to those truly significant minutes by Apple deserve:

1. Time
After 40 years 1 billion Apple devices are in use in the world... Remember when Apple was to take on the giant that was IBM? Well now it is completely different, they do not own the largest part of the market, but they have made a statement, that quality beats quantity.

2. Privacy
I could write essays on this topic, but here is my summary on it:
Privacy should never be taken lightly, even when phones can be hacked or bricked, when data can be decrypted and stolen... Privacy is vital in the times of technological advancement that we live in. You have the right to privacy and as long as there are threats to that right, the Software and Hardware of technological companies that impact your life (Apple, Huawei, HTC, etc.) must innovate on ways to keep your information safe: be it software updates, fingerprint sensors, etc.
So if the government is able to open a iPhone 5c via a third party, that just gives Apple and other more unsafe companies a greater reason to innovate and update the product with which they make large revenue (smartphones). Even if Malware is not a threat in cases like Apple (see image below) then hacking or whatever method that was used on the iPhone 5c should only happen once and for that one phone and then be avoided for future models and software OS.

"We are working hard to leave the world better than we found it"
3. Energy and Recycling: THIS IS THE TRUE INNOVATION
The goal of wanting to be 100% renewable in 100% of the operations: in 2 years Apple has come to a 93% up from 84%... But does this matter? I believe innovation to be the more than the economic definition of an invention or service that creates value for which customers will pay. I believe TRUE innovation doesn't just generate profit, it also must generate Sustainability as well. Why? because in companies such as Apple, where the innovation once drove the company to change the way we live, should always have a goal of improving the WHERE we live in as well. You cannot just rely on people buying iPhones that are 5 years ahead of the competition anymore (like the original one was in 2007)... You have to rely on the environmental value of the logo on the back of your products. The 93% means that everything from iMessages to packaging is more that much more responsible with the planet we live in.
No company is perfect and flawless, but one that openly asks its customers to aid them in the progress to better the environment (via Apple renew and renew program) is on the way to TRUE innovation.

4. Finally Research Kit and Care Kit.
Clearly app developing is a market that is reaching more and more every aspect of human life and development. As such, technology should assist and gathering data for investigation but also do something with the data that is collected. For example Parkinson study via research kit became the largest study of this disease in history in 24 hours. Autism treatment is just another example and rather than tell you about the importance in innovation of Care Kit as a product to generate value and social responsibility I will show you below, it is more than a product, it is medicine with a phone:

So... If you improve the world around you in ways that are not CPU and Graphics or battery life and display or shocking product reveals is it not innovation?

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