
Showing posts from October, 2017

An AppleWorm Rant on Headlines

Your life will never be the same, this article will enhance your life, you will improve your relationships with this ONE secret, it's the end of the world, terrorism suspected, leaked photos show privacy failure... Oh and I could make that list endless. Today the AppleWorm rant is on an issue that has gone from topics as serious as allegedly helping a president become elected into office, reporting an incorrect person as guilty for murder; to less serious topics like reporting on the iPhone faceID not being as secure as reported or being used to compile faces from its users to sell by Apple... It is honestly annoying but it is the current state of the media: people will do ANYTHING for views, clicks, shares, likes, you name it and they have done it without caring one bit about consequences in general. Before the internet was THIS ingrained into society and everything around our life, investigating or becoming informed on a topic or interest, was all about getting to the in...

Those Days

Yesterday was one of those days... Yeah, we have all had them, everyone in a different way and yet almost everyone I know can relate to Those Days. I will get directly into it: When I was young I remember losing my grandpa was shocking (besides the overwhelming sadness) because I knew how people are born and how they die... What I did not know was that MY family, MY friends, the people in my life could die. It sounds just as absurd as it is, but also as true as it was. Death was but a word that would happen to others, that would show up in the news, far away from my life. Death showed me perspective like never before, suddenly all of my grandpa's stories, jokes, laughs, smiles, gifts... They all came back to me. Someone I follow and listen to often was asked once to give the best advice he could in just 3 words: "You're Gonna Die" he said, with a smile I'm sure.  Yesterday one of my close friends passed away, and although I could tell you guys so much...

The AppleWorm Tech Rant on Charging

Of course I am going to get a new iPhone this year! Now, I don't yet know if I will be buying the 8 or the X but there is one thing I am a little disappointed about with the state of smartphones as of today, and YES this applies to all the other tech companies that make good smartphones (XiaoMi, Huawei, Google, Essential). Here is my ONE gripe: THAT IS INDUCTIVE CHARGING NOT WIRELESS! It made sense for the AppleWatch to have inductive charging because it has no ports and needs no ports but that does not mean that can just be adapted to all other devices and be called wireless because it does not go-into a port... Out of all the companies only google does not make pretend they have wireless charging  for their smartphone. For all the rest they all have these fake commercial sells of having wireless charging. Samsung has had this lie in their products for quite some time and I was hoping Apple would not implement it until they had something better. Yes, I know that now that Ap...

The Best Advice Ever

I recently read an article about the worst writer in the world, it explained how the worst writer is the one that gives up on writing, the one that does not have the fight in him/her to overcome mental obstacles of laziness or boredom or so-called writers-block. Producing content will eventually result in producing powerful, quality, viral content. Practice makes perfect and writing can only come from the mental exercise of overcoming the mental wall of the blank page. Just like a marathon starts with one kilometer, an article and a book start one word at a time. That article made me think about the blog content and how it is divided in 2 main themes: technology related articles and personal life experience story-telling blogging. It has been a recently tech-filled news time these last weeks but I wanted to take some time to get back into the personal side and to tell you guys that The Best Advice Ever does not exist. I should explain:  Time will tell. Happiness...

AppleWatch Series 3 Review: Betting on Continuity

It is no secret if you have read my blog previously that my AppleWatch is the device I have most fallen for in the short amount of time it has been out compared to the others. I have tried out fitbit and liked it, I have tried out Samsung Gear and disliked it. So I guess my idea is, I have compared it with something I did not expect to like and really liked (fitbit) and with something I did expect to dislike and was right (samsung). I do believe this year is probably going to be my first year to not update my AppleWatch even when I try out the series 3 because of one personal decision: cellular data on my watch is not something that adds enough value to my life for me to change my amazingly well working series 2. Changing from series 0 to series 2 was hands down the second best update in hardware that I have done in my life ( after changing from pc to mac of course). I truly could not agree more with the video Apple made about how large or small changes to individual lives from t...