The AppleWorm Tech Rant on Charging

Of course I am going to get a new iPhone this year! Now, I don't yet know if I will be buying the 8 or the X but there is one thing I am a little disappointed about with the state of smartphones as of today, and YES this applies to all the other tech companies that make good smartphones (XiaoMi, Huawei, Google, Essential). Here is my ONE gripe: THAT IS INDUCTIVE CHARGING NOT WIRELESS! It made sense for the AppleWatch to have inductive charging because it has no ports and needs no ports but that does not mean that can just be adapted to all other devices and be called wireless because it does not go-into a port...

Out of all the companies only google does not make pretend they have wireless charging for their smartphone. For all the rest they all have these fake commercial sells of having wireless charging. Samsung has had this lie in their products for quite some time and I was hoping Apple would not implement it until they had something better. Yes, I know that now that Apple has added it to its iPhone line-up the third party market will truly go crazy and create a load of new implementations and products towards this feature. However, that still makes this INDUCTIVE AND NOT WIRELESS! Do you electromagnetically keep you computer, iPad, phone, etc. stuck physically to the Wifi router to get internet? NO. When you are home and want to backup your iPhone to iTunes you either USB connect it or just wait for iTunes to find it over the wifi network and backup everything... These inductive chargers have the same convenience that the AppleWatch has for a night stand: magnetic charging.
Remember Steve Jobs introducing wireless with a hula hoop? Yeah well that iBook was up in the air with no contact other than Steve's hand! That is what wireless is! You want to convert your phone into one of these "wireless" devices? CNET did it for $13!!! That's true added value!

My rant is about this idea of the wireless future coming along quite well: the 12 inch Macbook has literally 2 ports, the iPhone has 1 port, bluetooth earphones and headphones are getting better in quality and battery life day by day, smart homes are getting smarter and so are artificial intelligence and machine learning software and hardware... and then we get this disappointing small step towards something that matters in the universe of IoT (Internet of Things).

P.S. P.S. More tech rants coming soon. 
If you guys have any topics you would like a tech rant on, let me know on all social media @dvd19931

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