Delivering on promises: Apple Watch Series 4
Let us walk back to April 24th 2015 when Tim Cook said that "there's one more thing..." The original Apple Watch (as I mentioned way back when) was most definitely a first generation exploratory device. Apple shot everything at the consumer market and saw what stuck with us. Of course apple freaks would buy them, but the secret was in finding what the rest of the market the normal consumer, would think of it. A lot of features that where introduced at first have either been eliminated completely or have become the most important feature. Now, 3 years later from that day in which some saw potential and some saw chaos the Apple Watch has become the number one WATCH (not just smart watch) in the world! I have been using my new series 4 AppleWatch for almost a week, some days more intensively than others, but I am so impressed and in awe that I had to write out my thoughts before the week is over so that people who are about to or have just got their watch know the ...