Spectacular for a last name

I have always been very vocal about the people I admire and the things I love. 

Today is no exception.

Imagine meeting someone and seeing insecurity in their eyes. Imagine instilling in their life laughter and smiles and feeling like somehow someway you are able to take their mind off their problems, their sadness, their life.

Imagine that person comes back and actually enjoys your company, makes you a part of their day to day, enjoys your stupidity and craziness, finds comfort in your hugs and want nothing more in exchange for those hugs more than just company and laughter.

One day that person did not just become stronger, she also grew funnier and more confident. NO I will not and am not taking credit for any of it. I have become more of a spectator to the one girl I once I knew and spoke with every week at least 3 times through FaceTime as she confessed her inner demons and insecurities and left herself wide open just to realize that deep down, I was just listening and watching as she grew stronger than I could ever be.

She has been through so much more than you know, and more than even I know for that matter. All I know is that I have been there for part of the ride and it has been amazing, awesome and jaw-dropping. 
Why tell you guy? why bother writing this out?
I am here to tell you that it has been years with her, years telling her how much I admire her, how I want to be her friend until we are old and grumpy and full of stories and families. I am proud as can be to call her my friend, happy as fuck to know and hug her, and lucky as hell to keep her in my thoughts and prayers each and every week, just like when we were young(er).

Look at how far we've come. How much we have changed and how much we still have to go.
Be grateful for what you have because someone I once knew taught me that you are only at this point of your life Once and no day will repeat itself...

Thank you for being in my life, for the good days and the hard ones more...

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