4th of July: thank you USA

It does not matter if you do it alone or not, traveling does bring the best out of people. Me and my two cousins recently went to get to know San Francisco California and we had always been close as brothers, but this was a huge check on my bucket list of traveling: go somewhere in the world with THEM. See, I grew up with these two crazy human beings that each have their own problems and successes, but we have grown so close thanks to the awesome and hard times that we know each other like real brothers. For each it was a different story, and altogether it was an awesome adventure.

Itzel (yup weird name I know) has a similar growing up life in which she grew abroad when kid and ever since has found every opportunity to travel alone or with people. I visited her when she lived in Berlin, Germany and all we could talk about was one day going somewhere the 3 of us. Her story is all about having a passion, as do I, for traveling and getting to know how tiny the life we live is. She is the one that will always have crazy new ideas of places to go, plans to do, and probably is the only organized one of us. She basically saved us loads of money in planning most of the trip and never misses out on a chance to say something completely hilarious OUT OF NOWHERE.

Esteban is the older looking one (even if I am technically the elder cousin of the 3). This trip was all about exciting him to travel, as he had never been further than Mexico when he was younger and this was his first ALONE trip. One of the most exciting parts for Itzel and me of the trip was just watching Esteban be amazed at the whole new world he entered of not knowing USA or alone traveling. He is the smarter and more collected one of the three. Although he is as crazy as both of us, when you meet him he will evidently seem more calm and serious. He is the one that MAKES SURE to point out when a situation is funny or ridiculous.

Me, I am just the crazy hyper-active one who constantly makes jokes and pranks. Probably I am the dreamer who has lots of improbable ideas... But sometimes, my ideas just might turn out to work, no matter how likely or not they are.

Now you may be wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD does this have to do with the 4th of July?! Well, this past trip to San Francisco was our FIRST international journey together, many more will come but this one was special in:

1. Making Itzel completely and utterly happy about traveling together with us.
2. Making Esteban want to travel and explore more.
3. Make me dream of many other trips to come with these fools.

And for that and everything to result from this amazing trip I am thankful with San Francisco, California and the USA.

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