
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Moon-Landing

It may seem small and insignificant to some. It actually even was, a simple walk, a small step, a simple action to a place everyone has seen and some may not even care about. But to me, it meant the world. It does not matter if you have travelled the world or have barely left the country... There are trips that scar you in the most positive way ever; in that way were you just want to show the world that scar and brag about how you got it.  I have made sure the world knows that I love running, coffee and Apple... That day, everything else seemed secondary, not because I had accomplished my life's goal, but because this particular one seemed out of reach for so long. And me... ME?! I had accomplished it. Let me put it into perspective. I saw my first Mac when I was in school and was mesmerized, I bought my first Apple product when I travelled to Pasadena, California for the first time; I wasn't very much into the brand, just the product (iPod nano) caught my eye and I thou...

Name This One Yourself

Please feel free to give this entry the title you feel applies the most to yourself! no caption needed Stop expecting an answer! Get your mind off the what if's and do. There is a much bigger room for improvement in your life than you can imagine! Deciding if you want to travel, what you want to study, if you want to have a family, get married, where you want to live, whether you should or should not meet new people, go out with a friend... So many and such different opportunities and ALL of them lay right in front of you right now... You can and should plan ahead a little, you should know what you want or at the very least what you do not want, and based upon that, move forward. I have had this small yet important dream all my life: to help as many people as I can on my way to becoming successful. At what? I don't know (I will talk about my success in a different entry). But trust me, I will become successful. Some examples may sound small or insignificant but I try t...

A Weird Kid Lesson

Fear, sadness and anger I understand. Shame on the other hand I do not... That stupid idea of "oh be careful, what will people think if they find out...". I truly believe with every cell in my body that there is NOTHING more useless than shame. Fear, sadness and anger are all part of humanity's obstacles to overcome through life, but SHAME is not even a real obstacle. You see, I understand that there are introverts and extroverts in life, I also understand that some parents tend to raise their kids to think the world judges them and therefore you need "approval". And I strongly disagree. Social media proves that out there you will find awful people that are louder than the amazing majority of positive human beings that exist to support and not judge. Homophobia, racism, stereotyping, the list goes on about these minorities of negative humans that scream and shout and expect the world to support their points of view and in that process stand over people w...

Wireless and PostPC World

The 12 inch MacBook is probably one of the biggest examples of why I love Apple as a company: risk pays off. We all know that the future is closer than ever, that idea of the flying cars, instant everything and magically technological reality is almost here. Home tech, virtual reality, augmented reality, self-driving cars, those are all now existent. Innovation is humanity's superpower and we have definitely used it exponentially since the Second World War ended and it does not seem to have any signs of stopping. The 12 inch MacBook is everything we wish for the future: no wires. I have thoroughly enjoyed its battery life with no issues whatsoever in charging it to its full capacity and leaving the power plug home. Yes I had to buy dongles/adapters because the world around me is not wireless, but with a couple of dongles in my bag I have figured out that it is just as simple to carry around my iPad or Macbook. If it is more of a reading, studying, taking notes day, then absolu...

Break Some Eggs

Aalborg, Denmark Have you realized that the darkest nights are the ones where you can count the most stars? Some of the happiest people I know have lived through a very specific rock-bottom that gave them the drive to run towards any goal they wanted and not stop until either they got it, or found another one to strive towards. But what I have never encountered is someone who has managed to reach a goal in their life that they wanted REALLY badly... Alone. Even if the goal is individual or if the way to get past that obstacle cannot be managed by more than one person... The way there, the guts to do it, the push, inspiration, motivation, hug, scold you needed to get There or do That, came from him or her who you took for granted until you realize they helped you more than anyone should. They won't like me, I don't even speak their language, they're blonde and I am not, they're tall and I am not... So many weird excuses came to mind when I finally had reached on...

Don't Underestimate Me

No one is born great at everything... I believe running is a great example for life... No on is born a great runner and no one becomes a perfect runner; the true beauty behind running is not finishing, it is starting... Because there are no shortcuts, no one gifts you endurance, we earn every kilometer or mile we run. The first place is cheered on just as much as the last... Because both accomplished their goal; the first knows what it felt to start out at the bottom and the last knows being first is a matter of effort, patience and drive. My grandma had no mother, my dad had a dirt floored house, my mom was "too short" to play voleibol, my grandpa did not finish school... Everyone has a story that they can use as an excuse or surpass as a push to their life. My grandpa used to tell me that the "cheat" to negativity is to wire your brain to leave bad days behind and yearn for the best of days that are still to come... And today, this present you are feeling ...


Have a presentation at the Sydney Opera House, work at Apple, travel to Japan, go to Legoland, start a blog, have the guts to try out podcasting, run a marathon, have a family, adopt a dog, buy my mom a TV... Those are some of my most important plans, or at least so I thought when I started with each and everyone of them, some I have reached, some I will eventually reach; and when you know that the journey is not about "IF" I accomplish the goal, but rather "WHEN", then you push yourself harder each and every day. I have made lists, celebrated when I get closer to goals and also felt down when I make mistakes or feel far from accomplishing my great plans. No one has a life that goes exactly according to their plan. The sooner you realize that, the better you will understand how life is a series of mistakes that take you somewhere. One of my favorite phrases is "you cannot connect the dots looking forward, only looking back will you realize where your dec...

It's the simple things

It is hard to open up, to become vulnerable and honest to people you do not necessarily know. It is complicated to write out thoughts in a day and age where information and entertainment have become  SO big that people are very picky about who and what outlets they trust. Writing, blogging, reviewing and even pushing content on a regular basis is something that people wonder about doing and often do not give themselves the opportunity to do so. I started to write out my thoughts as a kid when I was angry or sad or in love (yeah, I know, laugh all you want). I would sit down, open a word document, write out at least a page and a half to three pages, read the whole thing and delete it. One of the BIG differences between my dad and my mom is the way they would look at my grades in school: one would look at the grade and ask me why I thought I got that grade, while the other would read my essays and ask me about why I chose to write about those topics and not others. Both worked b...

Update on Watch Series 2

So, I have had my awesome AppleWatch Series 2 for about 8 months and I just wanted to give you guys my updated thoughts on this device. Do you remember the day or month or moment in which your smartphone became just as important or maybe even more than your car and house keys? That moment when you realized that your phone was so important that if you leave your house without it, you feel naked? Yeah, me neither. That is exactly what I believe my Apple Watch Series 2 has come to do. The change from the original watch to the series 2 is in my opinion the change from exploring a new category, to knowing and driving the identity of the product. The fact that the iPad is just recently finding a better sense of its personality proves how amazing this 2 year product is. So swiftly the Apple Watch found its niche market in sports and health, that as a result it was already a billion dollar business as soon as it was updated for the first time less than a year ago. The way I would ...

What they REALLY mean to say

You see that kid? That baby face human being? Yeah well, there were SO many things he did not know, and/or had not lived through but there were a couple of things that I know he got right. In the same way people always tell you "not to forget or loose your inner child" I am telling you not to loose your dreams and idealistic aspirations... evolve them. He may not look 16 but he was... And like many others his age or younger, he was told a recipe to follow to the tee to be "successful"; what they forgot to explain was what success was. The recipe is simple: go to school, then to high school, then to university, then work, then get married, have kids and give them the best life you can and that they deserve. Today, with hopefully still a long road ahead to live, a lot of mistakes to make and an interesting future to discover I KNOW that recipe is obsolete and what they Truly meant by it. See, this kid was not the top of his class, he was not the most popular of...

Real Heroes

First thing's first: Spiderman Homecoming is an AMAZING movie!!!! Credit where credit is due for the previous iterations of the web-slinger movies but this is my favorite Spiderman Movie ever! The most important recommendation I give anyone about movies has always been: if you want to have an amazing experience with a movie you are looking forward to; watch as few marketing material as you can. I try to limit my marketing vulnerability to watching the first trailer, the posters and/or billboards and that's it. For this movie specifically the fact that almost the entire film was new to me made it so much more enjoyable than my friends who watched all the marketing material and got a significant amount of the movie spoiled for themselves.  I loved the movie because it is different, the recipe is not the one we all know by now: peter parker is bullied in school, uncle Ben dies, he gets bit by a spider, he discovers his powers while fighting off bad guys and finally he get...

Cliché: Power of Tech & Social Media

A couple of updates before getting into it:  TONIGHT me and my cousins are going to the movies to see Spiderman Homecoming, do not even doubt I will give you guys my thoughts on the movie ASAP and a short reaction on twitter (@dvd19931). Also tomorrow it is Weekly Podcast day, just know it will be a little late because I have a Project Daniel anniversary celebration at the hospital. I will tell you guys all about it and about the most popular topics of this week, it will be (as usual) an awesome Podcast episode. So let's get to it: Probably by now you have realized the power and importance that social media and technology has in most of the world. Why? well, like I have mentioned before, a "small" someone called Gary freaking Vaynerchuk put it best when he said "social media is basically the current state of the internet (...) your phone is now the TV and the TV now is the radio". So why talk at all about this already proven topic, this cliché of th...

4th of July: thank you USA

It does not matter if you do it alone or not, traveling does bring the best out of people. Me and my two cousins recently went to get to know San Francisco California and we had always been close as brothers, but this was a huge check on my bucket list of traveling: go somewhere in the world with THEM. See, I grew up with these two crazy human beings that each have their own problems and successes, but we have grown so close thanks to the awesome and hard times that we know each other like real brothers. For each it was a different story, and altogether it was an awesome adventure. Itzel (yup weird name I know) has a similar growing up life in which she grew abroad when kid and ever since has found every opportunity to travel alone or with people. I visited her when she lived in Berlin, Germany and all we could talk about was one day going somewhere the 3 of us. Her story is all about having a passion, as do I, for traveling and getting to know how tiny the life we live is. Sh...

The Small Things

I have told you before I believe being a spiritual person does not make you religious, one of the great reasons it makes me happy to have personally gotten to know more than one religion, is that my grandma said that in diversity lies good taste. You can say so about cultures, people, religions, food and many things, the more you know, the better your knowledge about yourself becomes. To all this, today I wanted to talk about a phrase that I believe and practice every single day of my life. Now even if you're not a catholic or christian bare with me on this one: "God is in the small things". I like appreciating the fact that having a daily routine that sometimes has us bored makes us desensitized towards things that surround us. I understand that routine-boredom feeling because I have had very different types of jobs (the work from home, the office, the do-the-same-everyday) and I have found myself forgetting that work is necessary but should not make you feel like a m...

A small moment called Pride

In 2005 I wasn't just a kid, I was a kid that looked like a MUCH younger kid. I was maybe 4 and a half feet short (1.39 meters)... My dad was running for rector of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA) and won, so he was to be sworn into office. And for some completely crazy and illogical reason he decided to ask me to play in front of the entire university faculty and public that would come to the inauguration event of him receiving his newly elected charge as rector. I remember like it was yesterday. He came into one of my music lessons and asked my teacher if I could prepare a piece on xylophone to perform. I was almost sure that my teacher would not agree to it because there were only about 3 weeks to prepare and a presentation for those many people was nuts... Well, I was wrong, my teacher agreed and told my dad it would be not one, but TWO songs on xylophone with a pianist interpreting the song with me! WHAT?! Well yeah, that is what he decided. I would play a ta...