
Have a presentation at the Sydney Opera House, work at Apple, travel to Japan, go to Legoland, start a blog, have the guts to try out podcasting, run a marathon, have a family, adopt a dog, buy my mom a TV... Those are some of my most important plans, or at least so I thought when I started with each and everyone of them, some I have reached, some I will eventually reach; and when you know that the journey is not about "IF" I accomplish the goal, but rather "WHEN", then you push yourself harder each and every day. I have made lists, celebrated when I get closer to goals and also felt down when I make mistakes or feel far from accomplishing my great plans.

No one has a life that goes exactly according to their plan. The sooner you realize that, the better you will understand how life is a series of mistakes that take you somewhere. One of my favorite phrases is "you cannot connect the dots looking forward, only looking back will you realize where your decisions relate to one another". A great movie that I recommend for this point is called Sing Street, understanding that many of the obstacles you overcome in life will not necessarily add up to what you thought they would. Making way for another person to come into your life and make sense of everything. It is probably one of the best feelings in the world for someone else to come into your life, with a different perspective about what you have already done. Appreciate what you have and have achieved even when you thought it may have been small accomplishment. 

I recommend you make plans, make loads and loads of them that you truly feel passionate about. Have a MILLION possibilities in front written down so that when you go through life and make brave decisions and awesome mistakes to get to a place you don't know with people you don't expect. And when you get there, as you try to reach the unreachable goals and achieve the smaller accomplishments... realize that looking back the plans you wrote down without thinking much, or without believing a lot in yourself... Are the best ones to see yourself overcome. I am certain that when I become more successful I will look back at my blog and realize how right I was, and how crazy it is that I predicted how amazing the goal I reached was because of the road I took to get there.

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