The Suit

One of the most common double edged swords out there today are suits. There are those who dress up to address an issue, for a job well done, for a bigger, greater goal than themselves which entails a greater form of presentation that communicates visually the plan to succeed at what he or she is doing. Then there's the other ones, we have all heard of those "men in suits" that hide behind the formality, lie under the tie, and are dressed to promote their status which is only achieved though selfish methods and egotistical objectives.

In law, business, diplomacy, politics and others we all know of both cases: the suit becomes either a cape for heroes or a madman's straitjacket. It is one of the phenomenons that never ceases to impress me. Both the Nobel Peace Prize and the money launderer will have great fashion taste when they "dress up". Its almost a game of guessing, which suit has the good guy and which does not. I appreciate the practicality of "means to an end" and Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince upholds the idea of leaders that to do the right thing, the greater good, will be despised and even feared, but hopefully that does not apply to the best of Suited Up Men.

I become confused and even angry at myself when complaining about "men in suits". You see, everything in this world in ON YOU (or so said Gary Vaynerchuk in one of his podcasts). The good and the bad, You decide how much it will affect you in the long run. I understand there are things that are completely out of our hands, but the way to deal with what we are handed is completely up to one person only: yourself.

I hope to one day wear a suit, dress to impress, represent with all due formality the profesional goals towards which I am studying, working, blogging and podcasting. Whatever I do, I will undoubtedly face both sides of the suited men out there. In a time where people have an easy way to complain the way to proving them wrong is called positivity, not the attitude way, the action. The best way to shut up haters, complainers, trolls isn't a witty, less than 140 characters tweet, it's a months or years worth of proof. Social media has no power if it has nothing but hot air behind it...

I hope I never stop writing, I never stop blogging or podcasting this journey towards positivity. It may not be as loud and flashy as negativity, but when I get there, when I wear a suit to show who I have become and not hide underneath it... I will write a response to myself, a catch up to you guys to prove that patience begets achievements and failures; and in the sum of the results from achievements and the knowledge from the failures, you will find the undeniable result of positivity: PURPOSE.

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