Your People

This past weekend was awesome! I will probably talk about it a bit more on this weeks upcoming podcast, but it was one of those “payoff” kind off days. I had an amazing volunteering activity for Project Daniel (where I have been volunteering since the beginning in 2010). I went on a great friendship get away to celebrate a birthday and finally I came home and back to reality to work and study the rest of Sunday. Why do I mention this? Besides the fact that I had a great time, I thought I would let you guys know about this one thought that came about due to this weekend, ergo the title…
No man is an island, but every man is a ship. Every ship has a close navigation crew and a not-so-close shore family, one is there every step the way, the other is not. One knows the details, the other knows the bigger picture. What I mean is, the closer you get with people, the closer you allow them to come into your life the more you can realize what kind of people you have surrounded yourself with to support you. Both the ones that are always there, as well as the ones that are there "as much as they can" show up organically, let me exemplify:

Some time ago I lost someone very near and dear to me, she passed away and even when you think you're ready for things like those... You never are. On the other hand, but around the same weeks I had a really great, shocking news given to me. Why are these two things related? they were both a huge surprise in my life, turning points if you will. And the people who stood by me around those days are lots and I am grateful for each and every one of them. However, there are some, that to this day are here with me every step of the way.

My iPhone reminds me everyday with its wallpaper that you should always be a good person, you should just not waste time proving it and this weekend reminded me about that.

The people you surround yourself with say as much about yourself as the people who you kick out of your life do. 

And the past weekend I had was more than enough to show me what kind of people I have and want to surround myself with... To which I end with this:

Are You happy with the people you have surrounded yourself with? Why, why not?

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