“Today is the best day of my life” two people have told me this phrase this year alone, completely different people, places, reasons… And yet I have felt like the happiest person in the world around them simply because I am there to witness that specific moment.
Have you ever been overcome by happiness just by looking at a kid laugh or a baby smile? Well, this first one is that times a thousand… She is my beautifully crazy young cousin that is like a small sister to me. It was her first time at Disney, we walked into Magic Kingdom and every millimeter was worthy of amazement to her. The face of a small kid walking into her dream world is nothing less emotive than a smile from ear to ear… Trying to keep her cool, we went to the castle to witness the Mickey and his friends show. They all came out to a song, danced, sung… eventually the grand finale was a transition from Frozen to all the characters together. As soon as they all came out at the same time and danced, held hands, waved from afar… Her eyes filled with happiness like I had never seen her before. “Today is the best day of my life” - she said, as her eyes remained glued to the Disney characters waving at the audience. I smiled with and for her.
A couple of weeks back me and my cousin (this one is another close one about my age that is the equivalent of the brother I never had) went to the RedBull Arena Stadium. Does not sound like a big deal? Well let me explain… He and I have very similar amounts of passion for sports, specifically football (soccer). I had always wanted to have a travel buddy and after 23 long years of waiting, him and I have finally started to fly to places together. He has finally TRULY understood and felt why I love to travel and we came to New York (NY) together for some days. Getting back on track, we both LOVE football and wanted to go to a game in NY, got our tickets to a game where a Costa Rican was playing and went on our way to the stadium after he had been getting to know a lot of NY throughout the earlier part of the day. We had walked long distances to finally get there. Bought ourselves a well-deserved cold beer and made our way to our seats. The game was about to start and the atmosphere went ballistic, people started to cheer for their team, the national anthem was yelled rather than sung and you could hear very clearly the nerves in the air of both teams (New York City vs. New York RedBulls). After a sip of his beer he turned and put it simply: "today is the best day of my life".
I dare you to enjoy the happiness around you. To change the world you live in one smile at a time. Because it is nice to have personal achievements, but helping others to have
the best day of their life will make you feel like you did something much larger than yourself; after all, isn't that what life is all about?