Avengers: Infinity War. An AppleWorm Immediate RANT

Yeah I saw it too! If you haven't GO WATCH IT NOW and then come back to read this!

I got into comics and superheroes through DC, everyone who knows me knows that. Flash is and will forever be my favorite superhero because of how much I connect with him and on how many levels. But the Avengers initiative starter about 10 years ago and I never in a million years expected to love and get to know so many Marvel superheroes as I do now. You see, from Marvel I only kind of read Spiderman, Daredevil, X-Men and Fantastic4; that was it. I had heard and seen a little here and there of the universe of heroes Marvel had to offer and thought they were and still are cool but that's all.

When the Marvel Cinematic Universe began I was impressed, I thought they would pull of nice hooks into the next movie with the post-credit scenes but nothing more, I do not think anyone could have predicted the MASSIVE success they are today, TODAY with this Infinity War trailer I felt the tingling Peter Parker did on the bus... I just hope we understand as movie fans, as comic book fans, as humans, how spoiled we have become and what an amazing time we are living in.

Yes, I really really liked justice league and wonder woman even more so. But even if all of the DC Film Universe was critically acclaimed for its individual films, they do not have THIS. What is THIS? It is that emotional weight, this impressive and deeply ingrained feeling of joy, of hype that the Marvel Universe has grown inside our heads and hearts. The infinity war trailer proved to me just how much we care about the characters, maybe you feel for some more than others, as do I; but the fact is they have transformed the idea of an impactful film into a reality of a successfully sentimental universe, each character a story, each story a connection, each connection an emotion. Not all movies were great, but none you could say were awful (like Suicide Squad).

I want DC to manage this sort of emotion on people that are not like me, I want people to understand what I felt like when I saw The Flash, Barry Allen on the big screen for the first time, well portrayed. I know very few people understood the pure happiness that coursed through my veins when Barry learns to be a superhero from advice BATMAN gave him. When Superman showed him that he was not the fastest by far.

Marvel has taught me to love heroes I never even cared for like Hawkeye, Vision, Captain America and even IronMan. The best things in life take time and intention. Enjoy the trailer, the movie, the emotions, THE MUSIC! But above all realize that this great project that was given to us starting almost a decade ago, has yet a lot to go and you and I can join the ride every step of the way.

Rant over. Expect to hear about this in this week's The AppleWorm Podcast on PodOmatic and iTunes.

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