400 Trillion To One!

Yeah, that's me
I am back home! An amazing new years trip ended in the best plausible way: a long ride to have loads of thoughts come and go through my head as I get ready for the 2018 craziness that life has for me. So I wanna share with you guys the result of a little bit of leisure in my relentless mind:

The title of this entry is the probability of you being YOU! Of you being born! People lose their perspective on things just like our eyes get used to the nose being something we look past every day. Some people say that every day you die a little, well I hope you realize that actually every day you live a little longer. Begin to fathom the size of the number that you have been dealt with... The minuscule possibility of being able to read this is a number nothing short of miraculous.

"A miracle is an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible. By that definition, I’ve just proven that you are a miracle"

This year is one of the most different years I will have, by result I have felt a fear that I can only compare to that adrenaline rush I felt before going on stage to present in front of a large audience when I was a percussionist. It is a challenging fear, an enthusiastic fear... Like counting down before sky-diving. I have a long road ahead of me and I love to see people doubt me or feel scared for me... Because they don't realize I have been preparing for this every day of my life. Martin Luther King Jr. said that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort but where he stands in times of challenge.

Some time ago I sat with my grandma (for a cup of coffee of course), and talked about my decision to quit my job at the time. It was a great job, a good pay and a safe bet, but I wanted more, I still do and so I left. She smiled and said "I had NINE children with your grandpa, what part of that does not scream taking a risk to you? Don't think about what could go wrong, wonder about all the things that could go right". She was the wisest person I had until last year (2017) she passed away. And you know how they say "you don't know what you have until you lose it"? Well, I knew EXACTLY what I had and I cherished every moment until she died.

And now, as 2018 begins I encourage you to realize the amazing grandparents, parents, cousins, brothers, sisters, friends you have... Think about them with a smile because when you take your next risk, THEY will be there... Some in person, some from afar, and some... In Spirit

Lastly I want to recommend a Netflix movie/documentary called "Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond" not all of you will like it, but if you see it through to the end and ask yourself what my mother asked me after EVERY MOVIE  ever since I was a kid, up until today: What Did You Learn From The Movie? You will find yourself understanding My Phrase For You All This 2018:

If you realize you can fail at the things you do not WANT
You might as well take a chance on doing what you Love.

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