We Have No Clue...

I love technology. Anyone who knows me and/or has read my blog for long enough knows that. And because of what living in today's world entails, I believe this is the best time to be alive. Access to knowledge at the palm of your hands, opportunities like never before to reach people all over the world, to create content of all kinds and for all audiences almost at no cost at all...

BUT I am here to tell you WE HAVE NO CLUE...

Because we can see and investigate thousands of sources we think we know, because we can see, listen, read and have access to things we think we know "all I need to know about ____".
People think they know what living in China is like because they read articles, see vlogs on youtube about someone's life in China.
What writing for a newspaper is like because they have blog, or producing a radio show is like because they have a podcast...

Or maybe... MAYBE they even have the great chance to know not from third-hand sources, but from second-hand testimonies. 
What Vietnam or the Second World War was like because my great grandfather or grandmother told me stories about when they went and served.
What the death of a family member or best friend feels like...

BUT I am here to tell you WE HAVE NO NOTION...

Because in the age of information, we now live in the time-of-sources. You have to revise how trustworthy the LOAD of information that there is about a subject is. 

So, let's say you find trustworthy sources, amazing articles, great vlogs and incredible testimonies...
You have studied hundreds and thousands of cases of people falling in love, or couples splitting up, or the emotional reaction of people running a marathon.

I can still assure you WE HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA what it is like:

To serve as a soldier, to live in China, to make a radio show, run a country...
To have cancer, fall in love, be married, live with an amputation, have a baby...

I love technology because having access to so much information has shown me that there are many other new things I want to experience for myself and comprehend what it really is like... Because if technology has taught me anything, it is that:

everyone single human being alive will have a different perspective and emotional journey on things as simple as eating and as complex as love...

Wanna give it a try?
Ask your mother and father what it was like to have first row seats to your birth and hold you for the first time... Then try it out yourself... 


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