Incredibles 2: what a superhero movie should strive to be

Yeah, I am still working on uploading my latest podcast episode reviewing this movie and the Netflix phenomenon I missed out on earlier this year called Annihilation. It will come soon I promise :)

As for the topic at hand: Incredibles 2! 14 years later we finally get the much deserved and requested sequel. I will be direct and simple: THIS MOVIE IS EVEN BETTER THAN THE FIRST ONE!

As a whole it is superior, but there are things the first movie does better. I rewatched the original movie the night before going to see the movie and was absolutely sure that it was unbeatable. And it was superior to the second in one thing: the villain. Syndrome is one of the best and most well rounded villains there is and I absolutely enjoyed him in the first movie. Also the first movie centers completely on the family and fleshes them out extensively, this allows the sequel to spend more time on secondary and new characters, but I still wished to have had more time with them taking into account it had been 14 years without them.

I highly appreciated the fact that the movie took place DIRECTLY after the first. A continuation that made the first relevant, impactful and further developed the idea of the first that superheroes also have to adapt to the world, not just save it. Bob as a stay at home dad was awesome! If there is one characteristic both movies has it is the fact that they are aimed at children but also understand that those kids are accompanied by their parents or older people that can also enjoy and recommend the movie. What better proof of this than the fact that Incredibles 2 shattered animated movies records with their weekend box office opening in the USA being 180 million dollars.

Now, about how this movie was better than the original:
1. Michael Giacchino is a MASTER! The music in this movie is SO good, it hits at the best moments. It has enough of the old and includes new themes to connect with the older generations and enamor the new.

2. Action! The action in this movie is some of the best you have ever seen! The use of the powers is as skillful as the airport scene in Captain America: Civil War. It seriously shows you why ElastiGirl is as famous and amazing as her husband. The kids are a great compliment in the battles with their powers maturing...

3. JACK JACK steals this movie! He is funny, has a purpose, makes everyone laugh, and is simply a driving force throughout the entire plot. He is great, and reminds the world that being a superhero does not mean you are exempt from the fate of all parents.

4. Everything fits. Every character, every plot point, every twist... This movie truly is a continuation, the tone, the characterization, the comedy; you feel like you never left the movie. Not just the music but the world around the incredibles family has been updated: the animation is flawless, the buildings, the powers, the new superheroes, the main antagonist and the discovering of real life issues to deal with are truly entertaining.

All in all, I truly am happy I FINALLY got to see this movie and a lot of people did so to by going to the movies and breaking box office records. I just hope we don't have to wait THIS long for the third, because there has to be a third...

I wanna end this one a little different: a question (feel free to let me know on twitter or instagram @RealAppleWorm): if this becomes a trilogy, could it beat toy story 1-3 as the best animated trilogy ever?

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