The Genie Effect: WWDC2019

Apple is not a company build on maybe’s and should be’s, it did not go from underdog to industry leader with guessing and rushing. Apple is Apple because THEIR identity is defined, strong, and DRIVES them every day, product, keynote and update. Last week WWDC 2019 happened and we realized Apple listens, even when they make mistakes, even when they take more time than most wish… They are not your personal technology company.

Why I open with that paragraph is simple: many or few years after people asked them Apple delivered and delivered BIG. Let me break down this statement to the specifics:
  • watchOS 6: they listened to everyone asking for more and more independence of the watch with the App Store and the capability of apps to run locally leave the iPhone behind more every day. However, they also presented to us the HEALTH focus of this device. We never asked for it to save lives, to have an ECG, to help us become healthier and even to ask us if we are ok when we fall. But those characteristics have been VERY powerful tools for many people around the world that are not tech-freaks; people that just want a product that can make their life easier and yes, healthier.

  • macOS Catalina: they listened to the amazing use that people can have when using both Mac and iPad together. But they also provided accessibility so that everyday less people feel challenged or “less capable” to use a mac or iPhone or iPad. In addition, understanding that almost 2 decades later, iTunes had to move on with the times and get improved by separation and specialization into 3 apps: Music/Podcasts/TV.

  • iOS13: they listened to Dark Mode and its use, to swipe on keyboard, to faster and smoother UI and UX. However, they also delivered on app and app-updates becoming much smaller to maximize the use of the phone and its storage. Moreover, providing tools for today’s internet data mining present in “Sign In with Apple”, new location controls and transparency features. Oh and don’t forget AirPods audio sharing, an all-new reminders app and better CarPlay.

  • IPAD OS!!!! Yeah this is one of the biggest examples of listening taken to the next level! USB support, better single app split screen and multitask. However, they also added better file management, new gestures, better mark up, new home screen, better second and third app background management, etc.

Always keep in mind how easy it is to complain, to compare, to tweet or write a comment. While it is much harder to deliver to an entire ecosystem that is not just interconnected and works almost flawlessly; knowingly that you are not an underdog or a niche company anymore means they will be analyzed and over-analyzed by millions of users, supporters and haters from around the world.

Apple is not a magic genie like people think they are or like people want them to be. So, I invite you (as I always try my hardest effort to do) to criticize their work based on what they have and are giving us, instead of what your wished and dreams are and will be.

If you want a genie? Go watch the live action or animated versions of Aladdin.

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