Year End Thoughts: AppleWorm 2018 Wishes

Everybody has a plan... Or at least they think they do. There are no exceptions to the rule of "the best way to have a good life is..." Our parents, our friends, our grandparents, our uncles, our teachers, you name the person they all have a magic recipe in their mind that will get you from point A to point B in the best, easiest, most successful way. What happens if I do not want good? What if I want GREAT? What if I want extraordinary? What if I want to take the long route to enjoy the ride and take my time on the way to B... What Happens If I Want C instead of B? It is much easier to analyze or criticize a decision than it is to MAKE one. "You can never connect the dots looking forward" said Steve Jobs once in an interview about the iPod becoming a success. I have made that idea a way of living, I wonder everyday about my goals, but NOT ONCE have I questioned the road towards those goals. I am going to run a marathon, I will study ab...