
Showing posts from December, 2017

Year End Thoughts: AppleWorm 2018 Wishes

Everybody has a plan... Or at least they think they do. There are no exceptions to the rule of "the best way to have a good life is..." Our parents, our friends, our grandparents, our uncles, our teachers, you name the person they all have a magic recipe in their mind that will get you from point A to point B in the best, easiest, most successful way. What happens if I do not want good? What if I want GREAT? What if I want extraordinary? What if I want to take the long route to enjoy the ride and take my time on the way to B... What Happens If I Want C  instead of B? It is much easier to analyze or criticize a decision than it is to MAKE one. "You can never connect the dots looking forward" said Steve Jobs once in an interview about the iPod becoming a success. I have made that idea a way of living, I wonder everyday about my goals, but NOT ONCE have I questioned the road towards those goals. I am going to run a marathon, I will study ab...

Afraid, the AppleWorm fear rant

I remember when I was a kid I was nervous like hell no matter if I was going to present a drama play in front of 20 parents in school or if I was going to play the Sabre Dance on xylophone in front of the entire national theater of Costa Rica. I remember feeling my heart pound when I was going to go watch the STOMP Out Loud London concert (which had been a huge dream of mine since I was a kid). Those moments before are always some of my favorite memories. Some people call it fear, some insecurity... I do not care one bit what you want to name it; I love that adrenaline rush that happens whether or not you have an audience. Because some of the biggest fears I have had did not matter if I had an audience or not. One of my favorites came this year as I was to run the Disney marathon with my uncle. I have uploaded pictures before but it basically was one of the scariest most insecure moments ever... Was I gonna make it? Would I support him through the 26.2 miles or would he have to al...

Pre-Game for Star Wars Week

Tomorrow I will watch for the first time, then record and upload my Star Wars Non-Spoiler Review to the one and only AppleWorm podcast on SoundCloud, iTunes and PodOmatic! I have waited a long time for this day to arrive and of course I wanted to let you guys know my state of mind on this amazing day-before my first time enjoying Star Wars The Last Jedi. One of the first movies I can remember seeing thanks to my amazing and crazy mother, was Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. An absolutely spiritual amazing science fiction journey that made me get completely absorbed by the colors, the plot and the crazy characters and ideas. My mom was shocked because out of all the questions I could have inquired her about when the movie ended I asked why this all took place "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away". She of course tried unsuccessfully to explain how there are planets very far away that are unreachable to humans, which means that the story of Star Wars could have happene...

Merry Christmas For You and Me

Every Christmas is different... And me as a lover of christmas, am going to tell you about what I think christmas means. Grab a cup of coffee, play your favorite carroll and enjoy. I have had the privilege of having friends brave enough to have endure the horrible disease that cancer is at years end. They do not care for pitty, they do not care about your "everything is going to be ok". They could not care less for your careful-brittle hugs as if they were about to break just because they have a disease... On the other hand, they want your smiles and jokes, they want to dance and celebrate just like you that the year is about to end and they are alive, they want those tree-hugging, bear-sized happy hugs that lift you off the ground and make you lose your breath... They love the uncertainty of life, the present they are given and that they get to live with people that just want them to smile, have a great time, and forget that they are or were ever sick.  "The ...