Afraid, the AppleWorm fear rant

I remember when I was a kid I was nervous like hell no matter if I was going to present a drama play in front of 20 parents in school or if I was going to play the Sabre Dance on xylophone in front of the entire national theater of Costa Rica. I remember feeling my heart pound when I was going to go watch the STOMP Out Loud London concert (which had been a huge dream of mine since I was a kid). Those moments before are always some of my favorite memories.

Some people call it fear, some insecurity... I do not care one bit what you want to name it; I love that adrenaline rush that happens whether or not you have an audience. Because some of the biggest fears I have had did not matter if I had an audience or not. One of my favorites came this year as I was to run the Disney marathon with my uncle. I have uploaded pictures before but it basically was one of the scariest most insecure moments ever... Was I gonna make it? Would I support him through the 26.2 miles or would he have to almost carry me through the finish line? I remember that fear disappeared ever meter we ran towards that huge finish line at Epcot. I was so proud of my uncle, knowing the journey and life he has been through to get to this symbolic yet immensely significant goal. Almost in an emblematic manner he ran through the finish line and me a couple of steps behind him. Saw my cousins waiting for us at the finish line and felt like all those months and months of training were worth it. 
May 2015, nearing my birthday I was stuck, bored, but not at life or university or work... I just felt something was missing. I found myself running (as I do when I just want to clear my head and think straight) and wondering what I wanted to do that I really wanted to. I went to my notes app and saw how many different "thoughts" notes I had and I went into each and saw an idea. One of my goals in life is to write a book, a personal stories book about how my trip towards success is and will continue to be, about what it's like to live in a perfectionists' world as a flawed human. So I thought to myself, all these notes they say something about the day they were written... I could blog my life, my experiences AND my thoughts and in the process document my days, reactions and thoughts, my ideas and see myself change, anger, smile, be sad, be happy, etc.

I think the biggest fear was and continues to be a blank piece of paper or a blank-untitled word document. The fact that everything starts from nothing, that if I write out my should I might share too much... And then I thought about my run, about so many ideas that I wish I could share, communicate, debate with people. I went straight into blogger mode and revived old notes, new ideas, thoughts on tech, movies, music, life in general. Every day, it does not matter if one or a hundred people read my blog, I feel on top of the world. The loss of this writing fear lead to find a way to further dive into those same topics. Podcasts are a great way to not be in the video environment that A LOT of people have and allowing the audience to connect and listen on-the-go since the audio allows the visual to focus on something else... Multitasking is exactly the reason a lot of people slowly but surely will consume YouTube and other video content in busy lives that cannot just concentrate their entire attention on ONE entertainment source for hours.

I am happy to be writing to every single one of you reading this blog and listening to my podcast for another year. As this year comes to an end and opens up a whole new one filled with possibilities and movies and apple products and stories for your guys to enjoy, to think about, to laugh and hopefully to help you guys understand that everything that is good, great, amazing and worthwhile is on the other side of a fear.

Learn to silence the noise, silence the complaints, learn from the mistakes and take in the constructive criticism... So that one day you become a great human with a great story in a great commercial about you:

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