Merry Christmas For You and Me

Every Christmas is different... And me as a lover of christmas, am going to tell you about what I think christmas means. Grab a cup of coffee, play your favorite carroll and enjoy.

I have had the privilege of having friends brave enough to have endure the horrible disease that cancer is at years end. They do not care for pitty, they do not care about your "everything is going to be ok". They could not care less for your careful-brittle hugs as if they were about to break just because they have a disease... On the other hand, they want your smiles and jokes, they want to dance and celebrate just like you that the year is about to end and they are alive, they want those tree-hugging, bear-sized happy hugs that lift you off the ground and make you lose your breath... They love the uncertainty of life, the present they are given and that they get to live with people that just want them to smile, have a great time, and forget that they are or were ever sick. 

"The only difference between a youngster with cancer and one without it, is that one of them takes tomorrow more for granted than the other" 

I would like to think of myself as a christmas expert for youth. For years and years I would sit down with a group of friends that are as near and dear to me as can be, and plan a party for people just like us, whose only limitation is that they have to go to the hospital a lot. Other than that, I share in their life enthusiasm, I enjoy and wish I could have their mental strength and most of all, I feel thankful that they are happy to see me for a moment as important as the end of the year.

Here comes the hard part. My grandpa once told me that funerals are not for those who have passed away... they are for the ones who are still living. Many a year I have had the blessing and honor to have lived someone's last Christmas (remember, neither them nor I care for your pitty or sadness). Imagine the gigantic honor that being a part of someones LAST christmas means? The pressure, in a good way, of having their thoughts, wishes and memories behind you, pushing you to be the best you can. Not just because... But because they would want YOU to live as happy and energetic as when they last danced and laughed with you.

Christmas does not mean you HAVE to be with the people you love, it means you CAN be. Me writing this and You Reading this, still have endless possibilities to be grateful for what we have and improve what we still want to change or improve. Make promises that people will never hear, say I love you's when you feel like it, give gifts to the people who never expect them, dance and laugh every time you have the opportunity to do so... 

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.  

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