Year End Thoughts: AppleWorm 2018 Wishes

Everybody has a plan... Or at least they think they do. There are no exceptions to the rule of "the best way to have a good life is..." Our parents, our friends, our grandparents, our uncles, our teachers, you name the person they all have a magic recipe in their mind that will get you from point A to point B in the best, easiest, most successful way.

What happens if I do not want good? What if I want GREAT? What if I want extraordinary? What if I want to take the long route to enjoy the ride and take my time on the way to B...

instead of B?

It is much easier to analyze or criticize a decision than it is to MAKE one. "You can never connect the dots looking forward" said Steve Jobs once in an interview about the iPod becoming a success. I have made that idea a way of living, I wonder everyday about my goals, but NOT ONCE have I questioned the road towards those goals. I am going to run a marathon, I will study abroad, I am going to have a family. I will travel to many more countries, I will revisit the ones I already have fallen in love with. I will have a blog, I am going to record a podcast. 

Those all seem like good goals to have. However, I firmly insist that great, extraordinary and fascinating goals come unexpectedly and it's is your job to make sure they do not just pass you by. 

Speak at the United Nations, represent your country in an international youth leadership program, have a daughter, run a 20 mile race, staying in Europe for a year without planning it, getting to be a part of someone's first time traveling... So many more unforeseen moments are "not part of the plan", that this idea of having a route from A to B everyday evolves into a more and more complex labyrinth that has hundreds of exits so that instead of every turn being a chance at a dead end, they are turns that lead into Completely different lives, events, challenges... realities.

My wish to you this 2017 Christmas, New Years Eve and this upcoming 2018 is this:

I wish for you all to get lost, get all kinds of curious, experimental, find and make new paths in this labyrinth we call life and by the time you are through half of the way and feel tired because of making mistakes and getting back up... 

I hope you realize that in the end you did not go from A to B, you made stops in the way, changed the transport, took breaks, had sad and happy moments, took a deep breath and realized when you got to that goal you wanted so much... The result was much larger than the sum of it's parts. And the hind sight 20/20 is only worthwhile when you use the past to sit down with your daughter and tell her amazing stories of all the great failures that got you to the success that a hug from her will always represent.

I wish you all get the unexpectedly great that you deserve. Happy End of 2017

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