"Good Movies"

We live in a strange era. A time where everyone has a voice so instead of finding a way to be heard; people seem to be trying to find ways to mute or deafen other voices. This is not the time to get political so I decided to take on a rather similar topic in terms of how avid people are with respect to how they react: movies.

Fandom has existed ever since people started to support sports and teams and movements, etc. In movies, blockbusters created fans and fans created culture around their fandom. So eventually we got to this amazing time wherein blockbusters come out in the cinema 6 to 10 times PER YEAR! Eventually people started searching more for the differences than the similarities. It is so sad to see fandoms like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Marvel Cinematic Universe and so many others start to debate constructively and end up fighting and getting personal and unnecessarily insultive.

We have become spoiled and start to read other people's reviews of movies NOT to hear Their opinion, but rather to see how well they can echo ours... How wrong is that?! People on social media fight over how wrong someone is for having an opinion! Let's face it, Star Wars the Last Jedi was debated until it got to a ridiculous stage in which people where deciding for others whether they were TRUE Star Wars fans or not...

I have found myself being pulled to that "dark side" (if you will) of being disappointed when someone whose opinion I turn to regularly for movie reviews comes out of a movie not saying what I wish he or she would... And it is then and there that I realize, the best part of movies is that it is subjective. I wish more people would learn to step back, read and/or listen to the opinion other people have and then have a respectful back and fourth to find common ground on some points and agree to disagree on others.

There are movies out there that the majority of people agree are generally bad or generally good. And even in those cases you get odd ones like The Room that found its value in how bad and awkward it is. Cult following added to the personality of Tommy Wiseau made the movie a success and yet it is generally known as the worst movie ever made.

Let us find more people like Tommy Wiseau, let ourselves become more like him: driven so harshly and profoundly by his own desire to achieve his dream that the universe took care of making his dream (a movie) a success.

Let us learn from the Disaster Artist and see the value in journey and not just the end. In the differences between opinions and points of view rather than fighting to try to force someone to think something.

Let YOU and ME decide which movies are "good" and which are not

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