Staaaar Waaaars *singing*

I am not sure what movie I saw first, but I am sure the first three movies I can remember are Aladdin, Hercules and Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. All 3 thanks to my movie loving mother.

Today is the day I watch a Star Wars movie for the first time not being all kinds of crazy excited to see it... I am not saying Solo: A Star Wars Story is going to be a bad movie, I am just saying it is new to me to see a movie that is about Star Wars and not have all kinds of adrenaline rush about it. My favorite character has always been Yoda and I will forever be grateful for the Clone Wars animated series for giving me more Yoda. I grew up on the prequels so I actually like Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith but there is no challenging the fact that the originals are better, they just don't have that "special place" in my star wars loving heart.

I am expecting the worst and hoping for the best. Which I believe is one of the best ways to walk into a blockbuster movie. I am ready if it is bad and I will be pleasantly surprised if it is good and/or great. However, I am writing this piece to highlight that I am aware that this huge franchise, near and dear to many people's heart worldwide... Had taken an odd turn.

Odd because Han Solo has been amazing always, because so many other options for a "Star Wars Story" to enrich and excite the world were available and they chose THIS ONE. I guess you realize as well as I do that of course I say that because of my point of view and of the small circle of people around me compared to the millions that will watch the movie and are Star Wars fans. But even so, most fans can coincide a great deal with others about what excites them about the franchise.

As soon as I can I will upload my review on the AppleWorm Podcast (available on Apple Podcast and SoundCloud) and tell you guys my honest thoughts, but I am also honest before the fact: I have heard so many other great ideas that could have been developed instead of this young Han Solo adventures movie, that I have even thought of how awesome some other movies could be.

I hope if Han Solo is your favorite character or if in general you watch this movie, you enter with expectations that are positive and met, but I also wish for Star Wars to be a special anual event and not just "another blockbuster movie". I felt so excited for Black Panther and Infinity War and now for AntMan and the Wasp; and those movies are coming out the same year and 2 out of the three are not things the fans necessarily asked for.

Let Han Solo come out and we will see the box office reaction from people around the world and then we shall see how close to the pulse of the movie-goer population I had my heart. For now, those are y thoughts going in.

I am still grateful that I get to have another Star Wars movie this soon after episode IX.

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