
Showing posts from 2017

Year End Thoughts: AppleWorm 2018 Wishes

Everybody has a plan... Or at least they think they do. There are no exceptions to the rule of "the best way to have a good life is..." Our parents, our friends, our grandparents, our uncles, our teachers, you name the person they all have a magic recipe in their mind that will get you from point A to point B in the best, easiest, most successful way. What happens if I do not want good? What if I want GREAT? What if I want extraordinary? What if I want to take the long route to enjoy the ride and take my time on the way to B... What Happens If I Want C  instead of B? It is much easier to analyze or criticize a decision than it is to MAKE one. "You can never connect the dots looking forward" said Steve Jobs once in an interview about the iPod becoming a success. I have made that idea a way of living, I wonder everyday about my goals, but NOT ONCE have I questioned the road towards those goals. I am going to run a marathon, I will study ab...

Afraid, the AppleWorm fear rant

I remember when I was a kid I was nervous like hell no matter if I was going to present a drama play in front of 20 parents in school or if I was going to play the Sabre Dance on xylophone in front of the entire national theater of Costa Rica. I remember feeling my heart pound when I was going to go watch the STOMP Out Loud London concert (which had been a huge dream of mine since I was a kid). Those moments before are always some of my favorite memories. Some people call it fear, some insecurity... I do not care one bit what you want to name it; I love that adrenaline rush that happens whether or not you have an audience. Because some of the biggest fears I have had did not matter if I had an audience or not. One of my favorites came this year as I was to run the Disney marathon with my uncle. I have uploaded pictures before but it basically was one of the scariest most insecure moments ever... Was I gonna make it? Would I support him through the 26.2 miles or would he have to al...

Pre-Game for Star Wars Week

Tomorrow I will watch for the first time, then record and upload my Star Wars Non-Spoiler Review to the one and only AppleWorm podcast on SoundCloud, iTunes and PodOmatic! I have waited a long time for this day to arrive and of course I wanted to let you guys know my state of mind on this amazing day-before my first time enjoying Star Wars The Last Jedi. One of the first movies I can remember seeing thanks to my amazing and crazy mother, was Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. An absolutely spiritual amazing science fiction journey that made me get completely absorbed by the colors, the plot and the crazy characters and ideas. My mom was shocked because out of all the questions I could have inquired her about when the movie ended I asked why this all took place "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away". She of course tried unsuccessfully to explain how there are planets very far away that are unreachable to humans, which means that the story of Star Wars could have happene...

Merry Christmas For You and Me

Every Christmas is different... And me as a lover of christmas, am going to tell you about what I think christmas means. Grab a cup of coffee, play your favorite carroll and enjoy. I have had the privilege of having friends brave enough to have endure the horrible disease that cancer is at years end. They do not care for pitty, they do not care about your "everything is going to be ok". They could not care less for your careful-brittle hugs as if they were about to break just because they have a disease... On the other hand, they want your smiles and jokes, they want to dance and celebrate just like you that the year is about to end and they are alive, they want those tree-hugging, bear-sized happy hugs that lift you off the ground and make you lose your breath... They love the uncertainty of life, the present they are given and that they get to live with people that just want them to smile, have a great time, and forget that they are or were ever sick.  "The ...

Wonder: An AppleWorm Review

"You can't blend in, when you where born to stand out" Everyone who knows me, knows I love Apple, to run, the flash, star wars, to write and to analyze movies. This movie is one of the reasons I give when people ask me why I love to go to the movies so much: I believe movies are one of the best ways in which people can realize that the world around them is SO much bigger than they realize. Movies should take you places outside reality but also prove to be real in the emotions you feel when you experience their plot (no matter how fantastic or authentic it is). To get into the movie, lets start with the big and obvious ones: the acting was GREAT to say the least. Jacob Tremblay really sells you emotion through the make-up he is in; he knows how to embody someone who is as outcast as August (main character). Isabela Vidovic (yeah, I had to google her name too) was really good to express her eclipsed character in the story. Owen Wilson was a MUCH better compliment to bo...

Avengers: Infinity War. An AppleWorm Immediate RANT

Yeah I saw it too! If you haven't GO WATCH IT NOW  and then come back to read this! I got into comics and superheroes through DC, everyone who knows me knows that. Flash is and will forever be my favorite superhero because of how much I connect with him and on how many levels. But the Avengers initiative starter about 10 years ago and I never in a million years expected to love and get to know so many Marvel superheroes as I do now. You see, from Marvel I only kind of read Spiderman, Daredevil, X-Men and Fantastic4; that was it. I had heard and seen a little here and there of the universe of heroes Marvel had to offer and thought they were and still are cool but that's all. When the Marvel Cinematic Universe began I was impressed, I thought they would pull of nice hooks into the next movie with the post-credit scenes but nothing more, I do not think anyone could have predicted the MASSIVE success they are today, TODAY with this Infinity War trailer I felt the tingling ...

(YOU) Yes, Only you will Understand

When we’re kids we want to grow up. When we grow up all we want is to stay young. When you’re in school they warn you about high school. When you’re in high school they warn you about college. When you’re in college they warn you about “real life”. When you get a job they warn you about being married and having a kid. When you get a kid, they warn you about having kids… All those "warnings, equations, recommendations, guidance formulas…” to how to manage a successful life, how to find success, how to live well…  And yet your life isn’t a  pencil drawing made from the lines from one of those guidelines to the next. It’s a painting that you make from the shades and mixtures of the primary colors you decide to use every day. It’s not about coloring by staying in-the-lines, it’s about realizing that the canvas has the shape and size that you need it to have. As this year is beginning to end, I want to remind you that I know, so far: You might have ha...

MUSIC: The Story Behind the Story for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! As this marks the beginning of the end of the year I want to give you guys a little filler behind a previous post to be thankful. I am thankful for my parents and family and in this specific behind the scenes post My Mom. Every story has an untold truth behind it... This is the one behind the amazing time I had when at Interlochen Music Camp that I shared previously with you guys in the entry titled: MUSIC: a happy short story . My mom figured it out early enough, I was, am and will always be a hyperactive kid inside. When I turn 90 years young, I will continue to be that same crazy kid that one day decided music was everything to me, that I wanted to direct orchestras, compose ensemble music, perform in front of hundreds and thousands of people. I learned how to read music and the alphabet at the same time, that is how lucky I was to discover passion in music at a young age, and I do not take that for granted. At first music was an exhaust, a decompressing w...

Emotionally Raw: An AppleWorm Punisher Rant

Yeah... I finished this series and have LOTS of thoughts to get through. The upcoming AppleWorm Podcast will be about the second part of Justice League thoughts and the thoughts on the Punisher because of how much I need to get my thoughts out on these 2 amazing marvel and DC productions. Ok now the real and serious stuff: One of my best friends from Denmark and I were talking about why we hated Iron Fist, why we are growing tired of the CW soap opera way of depicting superheroes in Flash and Arrow and how or if that had something to do with why we loathed Suicide Squad. Many of you guys out there might have many reasons, and so did we: bad character development, monotonous tone, horrible editing, poor/lazy writing of the plot, etc. etc. So since we could not find one specific reason, we went more general, thematic, resolute with our reason to dislike on different gradients the series mentioned before (excluding Suicide Squad which is a movie). And OUR conclusion was: The g...

First AppleWorm Life Rant on Football

Yeah, it is called FOOTBALL NOT SOCCER! And it is most definitely the biggest sport in the world. And since all 32 countries for the 2018 Russia World Cup have been decided I wanted to start a series of AppleWorm Rants about why football is important to me. Every time people ask me about Costa Rican culture I tell them the two "official religions" in our country are christianity and football. If there is ONE thing that brings the country together like nothing else it is the national football team. Walking outside ANYWHERE in the country on game day you will be visually INUNDATED by red football t-shirts, which is something that gives you hope even on hopeless games (for example in the 2014 world cup, Costa Rica had to play Uruguay, Italy and England and even when the world was almost laughing at Costa Rica, we held hope, and if you don't know the rest of the story I invite you to watch the linked video ). 3 experiences mark my football-loving life more than anyt...

You can never go back: An AppleWorm Rant on Movies and TV

A little context first: I love where I live. My grandfather was one of the most important people in my life and he gave each one of his sons and daughters a piece of land that he owned so that they could hopefully live there. That land is up in a mountain with really nice view, calm neighborhood and fresh air (not to be taken for granted in the smoke-world we live in). Recently, my mom and I had a small “tech-crisis” if you can call it that. A very serious rainy day with lightning and thunderstorms hit and one of the many lightning hit close by, frying the house’s AppleTV in the process… Wow, we did not know how little cable TV we consumed compared to streaming and subscription services. So I thought to tell you guys what I pondered those days I was AppleTV-less. One week is all my mom and I lasted with no AppleTV, and here’s the worst part: the TV has a smartTV capability, and it is Horrible to use: bad quality apps and image quality.  I have said in the past that t he ...

Change is Good: the iPhone 8 & X AppleWorm Rant

I am sorry, I did not mean to change my mind. But here's the deal, the reviews are out and unfortunately or fortunately the online celebrities/reviewers whose opinion I most trust made me realize that this is THAT year... Yeah, I never thought this time of my AppleWorm life would come but it is here: This is the year where I wait to upgrade my iPhone and don't just buy the new iPhone ASAP. Ever since the iPhone 5 I have upgraded my iPhone to the latest model without a second thought, and by the time I got to the iPhone 6s Plus I thought to myself "one day I will have to stop and meditate my decision". The moment did not happen in deciding between 5c and 5s, 6 and 6Plus, 6s and 6sPlus, 7 or 7Plus... But now, the decision between 8 and X (I call it "X" and not "Ten") has signaled that time I new would come, I am holding back with my 7Plus for some time. Let me explain why this decision was made and why I changed my mind (if you already heard the...

An AppleWorm Rant on Headlines

Your life will never be the same, this article will enhance your life, you will improve your relationships with this ONE secret, it's the end of the world, terrorism suspected, leaked photos show privacy failure... Oh and I could make that list endless. Today the AppleWorm rant is on an issue that has gone from topics as serious as allegedly helping a president become elected into office, reporting an incorrect person as guilty for murder; to less serious topics like reporting on the iPhone faceID not being as secure as reported or being used to compile faces from its users to sell by Apple... It is honestly annoying but it is the current state of the media: people will do ANYTHING for views, clicks, shares, likes, you name it and they have done it without caring one bit about consequences in general. Before the internet was THIS ingrained into society and everything around our life, investigating or becoming informed on a topic or interest, was all about getting to the in...

Those Days

Yesterday was one of those days... Yeah, we have all had them, everyone in a different way and yet almost everyone I know can relate to Those Days. I will get directly into it: When I was young I remember losing my grandpa was shocking (besides the overwhelming sadness) because I knew how people are born and how they die... What I did not know was that MY family, MY friends, the people in my life could die. It sounds just as absurd as it is, but also as true as it was. Death was but a word that would happen to others, that would show up in the news, far away from my life. Death showed me perspective like never before, suddenly all of my grandpa's stories, jokes, laughs, smiles, gifts... They all came back to me. Someone I follow and listen to often was asked once to give the best advice he could in just 3 words: "You're Gonna Die" he said, with a smile I'm sure.  Yesterday one of my close friends passed away, and although I could tell you guys so much...

The AppleWorm Tech Rant on Charging

Of course I am going to get a new iPhone this year! Now, I don't yet know if I will be buying the 8 or the X but there is one thing I am a little disappointed about with the state of smartphones as of today, and YES this applies to all the other tech companies that make good smartphones (XiaoMi, Huawei, Google, Essential). Here is my ONE gripe: THAT IS INDUCTIVE CHARGING NOT WIRELESS! It made sense for the AppleWatch to have inductive charging because it has no ports and needs no ports but that does not mean that can just be adapted to all other devices and be called wireless because it does not go-into a port... Out of all the companies only google does not make pretend they have wireless charging  for their smartphone. For all the rest they all have these fake commercial sells of having wireless charging. Samsung has had this lie in their products for quite some time and I was hoping Apple would not implement it until they had something better. Yes, I know that now that Ap...

The Best Advice Ever

I recently read an article about the worst writer in the world, it explained how the worst writer is the one that gives up on writing, the one that does not have the fight in him/her to overcome mental obstacles of laziness or boredom or so-called writers-block. Producing content will eventually result in producing powerful, quality, viral content. Practice makes perfect and writing can only come from the mental exercise of overcoming the mental wall of the blank page. Just like a marathon starts with one kilometer, an article and a book start one word at a time. That article made me think about the blog content and how it is divided in 2 main themes: technology related articles and personal life experience story-telling blogging. It has been a recently tech-filled news time these last weeks but I wanted to take some time to get back into the personal side and to tell you guys that The Best Advice Ever does not exist. I should explain:  Time will tell. Happiness...

AppleWatch Series 3 Review: Betting on Continuity

It is no secret if you have read my blog previously that my AppleWatch is the device I have most fallen for in the short amount of time it has been out compared to the others. I have tried out fitbit and liked it, I have tried out Samsung Gear and disliked it. So I guess my idea is, I have compared it with something I did not expect to like and really liked (fitbit) and with something I did expect to dislike and was right (samsung). I do believe this year is probably going to be my first year to not update my AppleWatch even when I try out the series 3 because of one personal decision: cellular data on my watch is not something that adds enough value to my life for me to change my amazingly well working series 2. Changing from series 0 to series 2 was hands down the second best update in hardware that I have done in my life ( after changing from pc to mac of course). I truly could not agree more with the video Apple made about how large or small changes to individual lives from t...

Becoming a Parent

One of the weirdest things that I think and believe and that probably not a lot of people think about is that I want to be a really good grandfather. It is actually very simple to explain but very complicated to understand. I had an AMAZING grandfather that passed away when I was about to turn 13 years old, and in that relatively short amount of time he became my hero. Yeah... cops and firefighters were cool but he was way cooler period. And the entire reason why was because of how good he was at telling me stories of his life, it was as if I was there with him. I remember at first I would ask him questions about the things that I was curious about in his stories, and as time went on he could predict what I would ask him and would cover all the details that I wanted to hear in his stories. He became a better storyteller and I became the happiest audience to his monologues there was... Every single night he would end the story with a quote, and he was old so there was no googling h...