
So, today is going to get personal... Coffee, rain and te kind of post, enjoy:

I remember like it was yesterday, I was with my mom in the Panama Airport, in transit to Newark on our way to Denmark. The TVs around us suddenly started to get A LOT of attention, my mom went to see what the fuss was about and when she saw the TV nearby she held her breath, as if hoping whatever she was looking at was not real... Tears came down her cheeks and I got scared. The news header read "Michael Jackson found dead" and I was as confused as could be. HOW?? How in the world could she be crying this much for someone she never knew, she never met...

Oh but karma is a... you know what. Just 2 years later I would find out what my mom felt and 3 years after that again. Michael Jackson died in 2009, Steve Jobs in 2011, and Robin Williams in 2014. Jobs and Williams' deaths hit me harder than I ever thought an unknown human being would make me cry.  Some may think it's stupid, dramatic, whatever... but it was as real as I can think about it. My favorite movies ever are Dead Poets Society and What Dreams May Come and to this day I will watch them both at least once every 2 months. And if you have read my previous posts about movies, you know that my mother made me talk about the meaning of the movies I watched so I would not just watch movies, but also learn from them.

"That which you believe becomes your world"

Jobs and Williams' lives influenced mine more than many people that are physically close. They created my idea that everyone has their own craziness, we all have a spark of insanity that enriches the world with its originality. Jobs was the one who showed me that you will only truly regret the things you did not do, and Williams taught me that you must learn to cherish your own smile before you can enjoy making others smile.

So don't hide your emotions, don't think less of yourself when your sad or scared. Think of it as a movie, one that you have to analyze to see what you learn. So that sad makes you cherish happy, and fear makes you cherish proud.

P.S. If you guys have been enjoying the blog I have just submitted my first audio podcast to iTunes. It is being reviewed but as SOON as it is up I will let you guys know. So follow me @dvd19931 everywhere and of course the podcast is called The AppleWorm Podcast.

Thank you all for your support!

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