What's next?

It feels so awesome to look back at success. It makes me so excited to one day look back and say "I made it". That may seem weird, but my drive has always been uncertainty, the fact that I thought when I turned 25 (which is an age that is super close) I would be in a completely different life. I have made so many decisions that were not "according to the plan" with full determination and faith in whatever is to come.

Do I wish I knew EXACTLY what I am going towards? yes. Do I care that I do not know? no. The truth is everyone gets to their place in their own way... Some take a longer route, some a seemingly shorter, but no one takes the same exact road. One of my favorite scenes in the Wonder Woman movie is right after the astonishing trenches fight scene were WonderWoman wins the town back. She looks at Charlie (a sniper soldier) and finds out he wanted to be a singer, and then looks at Sameer and he tells her the truth: everyone is fighting their own battles. To some it may be about money and being able to achieve economic stability or prosperity, to some psychological or spiritual in trying to achieve happiness. Some people are so poor... all they have is money.

I never thought music would lead me to helping youth with cancer, I never thought traveling would lead me to know what I wanted to study in university, or that having a danish family would introduce me to Apple and my love for the company would make me want to write out a blog and record a weekly podcast. Ask me if I know why... Because it is my passion, ask me if I know where this will take me next... I do not know. But man am I excited to see where this takes me next, my passions continue and I have general ideas of where I wish them to take me: running to international marathons, apple to a successful blog and podcast, movies and music to become a more inspired and unstoppable passionate human being that thrives towards the next goal. 

Some days I am bummed, I am depressed or tired or it is difficult to wake up to go train, or to read up on homework, or sit down and get work done. And honestly, we all do; but that is why you go to sleep and wake up on a new day, to flip your mood and keep on being human by getting up as many times as you want to prove you are serious of your goal.

The movie What Dreams May Come is one of my favorite ever for when I have been happy or sad. It is great for any opportunity of wanting to smile in a confused manner. Highly recommended, have a great weekend.

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