3 Things

Lots of people say there are 3 things you should avoid talking to people about: sports, religion and politics. So, let's talk about those briefly today just because. The reason that supposedly you should avoid talking about those is simple: sports fanaticism can easily end up in disagreements, religious differences can end up in the worst debates on interpreting life and holy scripture and finally politics sets in some of the worst name calling and stereotyping there is.

Politics has a bad reputation of being corrupt and elitist... Until it is not. The truth is that politics is a field that is as wide as the change it entails. Ghandi, Lincoln, Mandela, Churchill and Woodrow Wilson show the best of their field in the way Chavez, Hitler, Mao, Stalin show the plethora of possibilities that lie in the field of politics. I believe politics works at its best when people have a greater goal behind it, when economy growth is not the end but the means towards something. Climate change, human rights, humanitarian aid, migration, health, and so many others that merit true multinational coordination.

Sports is something of a more passion driven topic that people tend to sometimes go all out on. Specially in football, team followers tend to generate rivalries which are fine. The problem goes when it is more than just "my team is better" or who is champion and who is not, and the discussion goes on and on. I believe football on a professional level is a game of respect and as long as fair-play is shown on the field, supporters should follow an example of encouraging their team to be the best instead of putting down their opponent. The world cup is the best example of how profesional sports on a greater scale bring people together more than they can pull them apart.

Finally, religion. Oh boy, this is the longest standing subjective discussion in human history. It is the confrontation of worldviews from a spiritual perspective. Religions have been and still are a tool made by humans, interpreted by other humans, taught to other humans. The subject of God (in any and all of His names), is a very complex argument. I have personally been able to experience and listen to 5 of these different worldviews and in a humble and respectful manner, I have explored spiritual practices I thought were maybe not for me, but knowing I have tried them made me understand the other points of view towards spirituality. I believe the best in religion is found in the creation of faith, the complexity of making a human think and feel as small as we are. Science has come to prove many things true and many other things false, but what it has in common with religion is that everyday more and more science finds a new way of showing us how much we do not understand and cannot fathom about the universe that surrounds us.

The closest people to me that have actually asked me about these topics really know my thoughts on them (I will not talk about these in depth, unless I am asked about them). And I wish to encounter more positive aspects of politics, sports and religion. The more you explore the world, the smaller you feel and the bigger your understanding about yourself will be. So, find the right people to teach you about the sides to these 3 things that may be a bit taboo sometimes.

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