You're Right

Remember how I told you guys about how I love to run? Well on Saturday I went to these AMAZING conferences-event called Running Day Costa Rica. It is awesome to be able to wake up every morning early and go outside and run. People take their health for granted most of the time and seem to forget that when you're young, taking care of your body means that later on in life, your body will take care of you. It's one of those things people do not value much until they don't have it.

The event was all about the story behind every runner, some were marathon runners, some triathletes and some half and full ironman athletes. Here's what I loved: it did not matter how many kilometers they had under their career; what mattered was the story behind their competitions. A really interesting point of view talked about in the conference was about races: if you wanna play soccer or rugby or basketball or many sports you cannot expect to compete with the elite of that sport unless you become an elite yourself. In running  on the other hand, you always start the race with the best of the best, and somehow that is one of the greater expressions of what the sport really is: it is about trying to surpass yourself and in that process running past others. My trainer has some amazing quotes on running, so I will enlighten you with just two of my favorites:

"Every race should be ran: 80% training, 10% mind-strength and 10% heart or inspiration"
"Whenever you are feeling really tired and your legs hurt, smile because that means you are half way through"

The individual stories of these amazing runners and athletes is now a part of my 10% of inspiration which is greatly importante because without it, I cannot get to the finish line. Everyone has their goal to achieve: a better time, a longer race, etc. But running is and will always be more than that if it has true meaning behind it. The beauty of a sport where the last one to cross the line has an applause almost as big as the first place shows that everyone admires the challenge that each one shares: finishing the race is about every meter you manage to overcome.

So please stop, stop neglecting your health, your needs; stop ignoring the people that surround you and have their own obstacles to conquer. And start realizing a truth:

"Whether you think you can or you think you cannot...
You are right"

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