This is MY passion

People laugh when I tell them that I love Apple as a company, that my goal is to one day work with Apple (or if it's for Apple as a CEO #dreambig). They look at me and think I am a consumerist because of loving a company instead of listening to what I really mean when I say I love the Company and not the products. Ever since I bought my first generation iPod Nano I fell for the idea behind their products, the sense behind the software, the ideology behind the commercials.

Steve Jobs was one of the most passion driven, relentless human beings EVER to walk the earth, and Wozniak was probably one of the only engines capable of channeling the electric fuel Jobs had in him to change the world. Both stubborn in their own way, both ready to make dreams come true, not always getting along, not always making the right choices. Hoping they would maybe make a dent into the universe of someone who bought the Apple II or the Macintosh or the PowerBook or the iMac G3 or the iBook or iPod or the iPhone or the iPad or the MacBook or the AppleWatch...

Me? I believe in the drive, that made them do the unthinkable and believe normal everyday people would find use in having a computer with an interfase they could easily understand. The drive with which Apple changed the world, is the same drive that got Jobs kicked out of his own company and not give up... 

Do I buy Apple products? OF COURSE I DO! That does not mean I have loved every single Apple product out there, I never truly liked the iPod classic or the shuffle, I did not like the first generations of MacBook Pros, and do not get me started on Ping and MobileMe... But those mistakes to me showed the company to be what it always has been, a constant strive towards the improving of lives. An iPhone that helps a blind man discover the woods, an iPad that educates autistic kids, an AppleWatch that detects heart disease before it's too late... A company that cares so much about the environment that asks more of themselves and less of the planet.

I like to tell people that the present is exactly that, a gift, and that you must not be stuck in the past or confused by what could become of the future. So I hope I will one day work with Apple but for now, for TODAY, I am here, writing a daily blog about my how passionate I feel about Apple, Football, Running, Writing, Movies...

So I will summarize my passion for Apple in their own words:

"If everyone is busy making everything, how can anyone perfect anything?
We start to confuse convenience with joy, abundance with choice.
Designing something requires focus. 
What do we want people to feel? 
Then we begin to craft around our intention. 
It takes time... There are a thousand no's for every yes.
We simplify, we perfect, we start over. 
Until everything we touch enhances each life it touches.
Only then do we sign our work."

My happiness in this moment cannot be explained through words

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