The One MCU Ranking To Rule Them All

I am about to enter the Black Panther premier with my cousins and I am too excited! Yeah I said it, TOO excited, I wish I would have held back from the hype because of the fact that this means I expect too much out of this movie. So to get my head off of that for a little bit before going in I will give you guys my PERSONAL top 5 favorite MCU movies:

5. Lets start off by pissing off a lot of people. I know this is not a very popular opinion out there but I did really like Avengers: Age of Ultron. Me being someone who enjoyed the EVENT that the first Avengers movie created, thought this sequel ups that original in testing how to make the team up different. I enjoyed the idea of teasing Wakanda, prepping the audience for the Black Panther introduction to come in Civil War and the importance of vibranium in this universe. Added, I loved Ultron, the voice over was great and the identity he had (even if I understand he's not the best villain).  I knew nothing of Ultron until this movie and I left interested and impressed at his capability as a villain; specially in the comics.

4. This spot is for a movie near and dear to my heart, because it is not easy to remake something remade time and time again and make it different: Spiderman Homecoming. What an amazing spiderman AND peter parker! I loved Andrew Garfield as spiderman but hated him as peter parker and Toby Maguire was the exact opposite; Tom Holland is nothing short of perfect (pun intended). Added, this movie has one of The Best Villain portrayals that ALL of the MCU has had thus far. Finally, if I had to summarize my love for this movie and this iteration of spiderman in one phrase I would do so in the rephrasing of the "great power, great responsibility" that was given in Civil War:
When you can do the things I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen,
they happen because of you"

3. The best risks to take are the ones that no one else sees coming. In this "surprise" category of MCU movies I love, 2 are my most important and beloved Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant Man. But Guardians Definitely take the prize! What an awesome movie! What a crazy bet, to go all in to a completely unknown part of the universe, literally and character-wise. To fall in love for a talking raccoon, a tree that has 3 words in its vocabulary, a human that listens to good music, a daughter of Thanos AND a guy who does not know he has a sense of humor... Is nothing short of amazing! No one expected this movie to become the success it became. This proved once and for all that the Marvel recipe was a success.

2. It all had to start somewhere: IronMan. It was 2008, I was a young lad, read very basic marvel comics, manga and LOTS of DC comics. And here comes a millionaire with an cocky attitude and shows that superheroes can also be funny and great. We were right in the middle of the Dark Knight trilogy (this same year - 2008 - the Dark Knight was released); and we got both sides of the superhero genre coin: the gloom and the shine. Two rich amazing humans: Batman and IronMan. The key to making this my second favorite MCU movie is not just that it adapted extremely well the IronMan comic and origin. It introduced TWO very key characteristics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: IronMan and post-credit-scenes! When I heard that Tony Stark was being invited to the Avengers Initiative... I LOST IT!

1. Did you ever doubt it? Of course: Captain America: Civil War! I will be honest, I did not buy into ALL the hype for this movie for a couple of reasons. I thought the marketing was too good (like Batman v Superman, which sold us a completely different movie... but we'll talk about that another day) and I had not read very much about the Civil War storyline. The comic book adaptation aside (which was AWESOME) I love this movie because it introduced the best Spiderman AND... we come full circle... Black Panther! I love everything in this movie and I will defend the need for Zemo as the main villain of this movie Any Day! I think it is basically flawless. It was a Captain America movie AND still did not miss the chance to feel like an Avengers movie without loosing focus and introducing a great reality: the differences between Cap and Tony.

I hope you enjoyed my list and reasons. Time to go into Black Panther and give you guys my thoughts on it later today in The AppleWorm Podcast (on iTunes and SoundCloud).

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